Greeny — UX Case Study

Anggun Cahya
5 min readApr 14, 2021

A plant-based recipes app designed only for you. It helps you access recipes, buy the ingredients, and access alternatives food without the hassle.

Duration: 5 Weeks (2 - 4 hours /day)
Role: UX Research, Product Design
Tools: Figma, Miro, Pencil and Paper


Source data (

According to the Global vegetarian Index ( Indonesia has:
438 Number of Vegetarian restaurants
603,000 Number of People per Vegetarian Restaurant
280 Global Vegetarian Index Score


Source data (Statista 2019)

Why are there still many people who do not choose plant-based food because It is hard to access around them even though there are many vegetarian and vegetarian restaurants in Indonesia?



Note: This is only a product concept, the calculation of profit and business plan requires the involvement of multiple stakeholders.

Feature 1 — Input your detail and get the best information only for you

The app takes current detailed information (gender, country, current condition, allergies) from the user and analyzes the content, provides the information just for them.

Feature 2— Recipe

User can buy ingredients of the selected recipe without the hassle. “Cook” feature allows the user to search recipes based on ingredients that they already have.

Feature 3 — Alternatives

When the user wants to adopt a plant-based diet but still wants to taste meat, cheese, and other non-plant-based foods, this feature is the answer. Greeny provides information about alternatives food that can easily be bought or made.

Design Process — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Understand the Audience

According to the problem stated before, I got a hypothesis that Indonesian people find it difficult to access plant-based food.

To gather deeper insights about the topic, I interviewed people with age range 16–30 who ever/ interested to try a plant-based diet (flexitarian, vegetarian, vegan, etc). My questions sought to gather information about their plant-based diet motivations and pain points.

Snippets of conducted interviews

Research Analysis
To identify the main pain points, I created an affinity diagram to group similar ideas.

Defining The Problem

Based on my interviews, common problems that participants experienced when adopting a plant-based diet were:

  1. It is hard to find food ingredients in online recipes
  2. it is difficult not to eat meat, cheese, and other non-plant-based foods

The problem obtained during the interview is slightly different from the initial hypothesis where the actual problem is the participants find it difficult to access food ingredients to cook plant-based food.

How might we be able to provide specific information about plant-based food based on user conditions which they can access alternatives food, recipe & buy the ingredients regardless of their location?


I brainstormed several ideas and explored before deciding on a single design solution.

Why recipe application?
With the rapid development of the internet, we can connect with various kinds of things anywhere and anytime. A recipe application that directly connects to e-commerce helps the user to buy the ingredients and food alternatives easily wherever they are.

User Task Flow
Before jumping into screen design, I created a User Flow to help me visualize the processes users need to go through when they use the application.

Before moving to a high-fidelity prototype, I create a wireframe to see how the screens and layout look.

Prototyping & Testing

The prototype is carried out in Figma. I conduct a design test using a Maze Design with 5 participants. I played around with the different UI placements based on design criticism before delivering the final high-fidelity experience for Greeny.

The final prototype can be seen in this link: Greeny Prototype


The results of my research and solutions made me learn that hypotheses are not always correct, and validation by doing research to target users is very important. When creating a design I also learned that design iterations are very helpful in delivering a good product, the more iterations the better.

Thank you for visiting, if you enjoyed this case study don’t forget to 👏🏻 . Your clap encourages me to write more of it! Also, don’t forget to leave your feedback and comments, I need them to improve myself.



Anggun Cahya

Product Designer — Sharing everything while learning